"I've always called myself 'the little fat bloke'. Today I call myself 'lucky'.
Why? Because I'm alive.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Section 5 - Part 2 - Golden to Kamloops

Mileage leaving Golden 36,741 miles, mileage arriving Kamloops 36,975, total driven 234 miles.

The previous day, as were coming into Golden, I had absently minded mentioned that I had never been whitewater rafting. That led to some chat over a few beers during the England v. USA game and lo and behold I found myself in a wetsuit at 09.00 Sunday morning. Martin and I were quietly terrified as this was new territory for us. Following a brief safety chat we put in on the Kicking Horse River and certain death.

The initial terror wore off as we made our way through Class III and IV falls; we were most of the way through the trip when a rogue wave tipped me out of the raft and into the boiling waters. Martin sat in the raft watching me whilst prlade first; Paul remained onboard to tousle and arrange his immaculately coiffed head and Jeffrey kept astern fondling Saki and Sarah, our guest crew members. It's at times like these that you realise who your true mates really are. Rob leapt into the icy maelstrom, swam to me and got me back to the raft where the others were finally persuaded to help lift me in.

The afternoon drive to Kamloops was a relatively calm affair after that.

On the Kicking Horse just before the rogue wave

The drowned rats back on terra firma

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