I have known Colin not only as a Therapist for the past six years, but also as a friend who I hold close to my Heart and have the greatest respect for.
Colin has worked extremely hard all his life with his job, he has also used his life in a very useful and intelligent way. Colin has given a lot of his time and energy to help out other people transform negative energy into a positive energy empowering their lives.
For me Colin is a truly wonderful person who knows how to live life to the full and at the same time he is able to put out a tremendous amount of positive energy to friends and family who he is surrounded by and have supported him throughout his Cancer treatments.
Colin has told me that during his trip he is going to be talking about how Reiki and Reflexology treatments helped him get through his Cancer. I do believe that the positive power of Reiki has the ability to change people’s lives for the better! Reflexology also works extremely well with Reiki … it stimulates or sedates specific pressure points on the feet, which creates channels for the healing to circulate to all parts of the body.
When we experience stress, in any form, this prevents your own natural healing powers from working … it is not stress which kills us, it is our reaction to it!
At the end of the day our greatest wealth is health. Health is not often valued until sickness comes along; it is then that people start realizing that there is more to life than just being alive.
I think it is so important for us all to raise awareness about treatments and research for Leukaemia along with other types of Cancers. Most of us know someone who has Cancer or a friend of a friend who has Cancer …. the more money and awareness that everyone can raise will go a long way to a giving someone with Cancer a chance of Life.
I have found in the past that families and patients who have lived with Cancer can also help others and continue to help themselves by writing down their experiences to help others. When Cancer is diagnosed, a tremendous fear sets in and people do not even know where to turn for help.
People say that I am too positive and hopeful, I personally will not change my attitude towards life and really hope that many more people will join me and turn those negatives into positives!!!
All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveller is unaware, I know that you will find some very special ones on your trip of hope. Have a wonderful & safe drive.
Love, Light & Reiki Blessings to everyone
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