"I've always called myself 'the little fat bloke'. Today I call myself 'lucky'.
Why? Because I'm alive.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The International Problem

The last 2 nights sleeping has been a problem. I have had bad news about two close members of my family and also one of my wife Ann's family who have died. Us English get a strange comfort in telling ourselves that things come in threes. I am not sure it helps but that's the way it is. With all that I don't think its that what keeping me awake.

This is it. 9 months ago when I thought about doing this drive it was to show that I am just as mad as I have always been and spend Fathers Day with my son in Whistler. Then came the idea to raise money for UCH who helped me through my cancer treatment and made me one of the lucky ones. It has grown thanks to the help of so many. The thing on my mind then is I contact several cancer groups in Canada not for money but just to meet up with other sufferers, families and friends on my trip through Canada the response was on the lines of 'Are you raising money for a US or Canadian charity? If not we can't do much for you.' Now the other end of sorting the trip out we are getting 'If its not a Canadian or US charity we are unable to give.' That approach hurts me UCH is an international research hospital that all its work is open to the world to use. Cancer is a world problem. This has not taken away my determination to do the drive. When I was having my chemo I also had Rhaki and reflexology in the hospital UK. The prayers of many World Wide, a candle lit in many churches in Italy, UK, Canada, and the Vatican. Prayers in Budist temples Thailand Prayers in Middle East Jewish prayer in US & UK. Thoughts and good wishes from around the world. My nurses and medical staff were from so many counties. What that tells you is that cancer is international. Why should I feel like I am doing something wrong? If you have read Lesley's Journey on my blog read Lesley's poem at the end that's what you feel like.

Flying back from Italy on Sunday so I hope the Ash does not hold things up. There is not a comment or action anyone can do to stop me doing this drive. And I hope to help anyone who has been through or is going through this terrible thing called cancer. Now I had said it I can sleep.

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